Pricing FAQ

Operator Pricing

Initial Verification

What is it?

This is the verification of a worker’s compliance documents for the first time. This is triggered when a new worker is loaded to MyPass as a result of an Operator onboarding a new Service Provider (or a new portion of that Service Provider’s workforce). The Operator pays only for the verification of documents that have not yet been verified.

How do we know it’s the first time they have loaded the document?

MyPass creates a ‘single source of truth’ data set for each worker which, subject to worker permission, can be shared across the industry.  If the document has been previously uploaded, then it will have already been verified.  MyPass does not re-verify documents that have already been uploaded, which means that Operators get the benefit of pre-existing datasets. 

How do you separate this between the Operator and Service Provider? E.g. how do you validate what is a document being verified as part of an operator shutdown or just a document being loaded generally by the worker?

Operators create skills matrices with compliance positions, which are then assigned to workers. This creates a comparison between the skills requirements for the compliance position and the documents that have been uploaded in order to match those requirements. The Operator will only pay for the verification of documents that relate to those required skills, and which have not already been verified.  A benefit of MyPass is that the Operator can avoid verifying 100% of the training that a worker uploads against the skills requirements for a position.  

Service Provider Pricing

Value and ROI

What value is MyPass providing my business? And how?

A requirement of providing services to your Client  (Operator) is that their workforce is trained and competent in accordance with your client (Operator)skills matrices for that particular scope of work.  MyPass has been designed to provide a benefit to the whole supply client chain by:

  1. Making your client (Operator) requirements much clearer and transparent.  Your client (Operator) can share skills matrices with you in your MyPass portal, which removes the need for you to interpret what is required or make assumptions about training & competency requirements. 

  2. Reducing the chance of compliance gaps, workers getting blocked from accessing site, or holding up invoice payments.  At a glance, you can see the % competency of any of your workers who have been assigned compliance positions.  This allows you to be proactive with ensuring that your workforce is ‘job ready’ and removes surprises during mobilisation, site access or during audits.  This in turn also reduces your risk exposure as an organisation.  

  3. Reducing your administrative burden over time. The MyPass onboarding team can assist you with getting your worker profiles set up and will verify all of the documentation that is uploaded by you or the worker.  From this point forward, you’ll just need to keep an eye on your dashboard for any documents coming up for expiry, assuming of course the worker hasn’t already taken action from their 90, 60 & 30-day advance reminders.  MyPass can integrate with your other systems, meaning that should you choose to, you no longer need to manually update your other systems that rely on worker profile information.  Companies who have embraced MyPass have been able to completely eliminate spreadsheets for workforce onboarding, allocation and submission to their clients.

  4. Providing a platform for business growth.  MyPass has been designed as an industry platform, with the intention for you to get the maximum benefit out of your subscription across multiple Operators, Asset Owners and Sites.  Upon request, we can provide you with a list of all of the organisations that are using MyPass, which may assist you in expanding your service offering.  Note- there are many Service Providers who use MyPass to enhance their existing systems and processes independently of their clients. Please reach out to  if you’d like to learn more. 

But I only work for one Operator. What’s the value to me? 

MyPass is an industry platform and is intended to provide value to all layers of the supply chain.  In essence, MyPass is an alternative to standalone compliance portals, which differ between each Operator or Asset Owner and require you to manually re-enter and duplicate information that already exists.  Whether it is MyPass or another system, the requirement to demonstrate workforce compliance will remain.  However, over time, we expect the industry to continue to move towards simplification and standardisation, and MyPass is in a very good position to meet that need.  Our goal is to expand to include additional clients you may be working for and to reduce the number of manual interactions you need to have with them.  As per above, there are many Service Providers who utilise MyPass independently of their clients to stay on top of compliance gaps and to improve the efficiency of their overall workforce management processes.  Please reach out to if you’d like to learn more about how MyPass can reduce your operational cost and risk.   

Subscription Terms


  • What is the reactivation fee?

    • This would be required where a business partner has ended their subscription then needs to establish it again. A fee is required for the administration of re-establishing the portal

Active Tiers

  • When is a worker considered active and under our subscription? Is it after they have accepted our invite?

    • They are classed as active as soon as you invite them to your MyPass portal, as at this point you will have access to their passport. Noting that if they already have a passport established, you need to wait for them to accept the invite.

  • How is this billed?

    • In advance. We need you to choose the number of worker seats you require on the platform. We then allocate you a tiered subscription according to the table. You can choose to subscribe on a monthly/quarterly/annual basis, with discounts provided for longer commitments.