Sharing a Library

Interactive Tutorial

** Best experienced in Full Screen (click the icon in the top right corner before you begin) **


1. To share your library with business partners/ clients/ suppliers.
Scroll down and click Settings.

Step 1 image

2. Click on Libraries.

Step 2 image

3. You can edit or delete your library by clicking on the ellipsis.

Step 3 image

4. You will need to edit your library to reveal the share options.

Step 4 image

5. Any affiliates you have shared your library with can be viewed here.

Step 5 image

6. To share your Library click on Share.

Step 6 image

7. Click on each affiliate you want to share with.

Step 7 image

8. Click Share.

Step 8 image

9. Click Save to complete this step.

Step 9 image

10. That's it. You've now added certificates to your library.

Creating your own certificates

Step 10 image