Snooze Job Offers

Snoozing job offers by ticking the 'Snooz job offer' box in your MyPass Skills Passport Notification section means you're not currently accepting any job offers from the company you are directly connected with.

When the company whom you are directly connected with or you are part of their resource pools invites you to apply for a role or offers you a role, they won't be able to do it, instead, they will receive a notification stating 'This personnel is not currently accepting job offers' as per the below screenshots:

How to snooze job offers?

  1. Once logged in to your MyPass Skills Passport account, click on Settings under the profile icon. 
  2. Under Notifications, tick the Snooze job offers. Note that the snooze period will automatically extend for another month after the specified period ends if remains ticked.
  3. When you're ready to accept role invites or offers again, just untick the snooze job offers.

    Note that you'll only get invited or offered a job role by the companies that you are directly connected with or part of their resource pools.